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Sonda chineza Chang’e 6 s-a intors de pe fata ascunsa a Lunii, aducand mostre istorice. China este singura tara care a ajuns pe partea…

Sonda lunara a Chinei s-a intors pe Pamant cu primele mostre prelevate de pe partea ascunsa si neexplorata a Lunii. Sonda Chang’e-6 a aterizat marti in desertul Mongolia Interioara, dupa o misiune de aproape doua luni plina de riscuri, transmite BBC. Oamenii de stiinta asteapta cu nerabdare Chang’e 6, deoarece…
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19.2 C
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24.4 C
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21.4 C
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Sample post title 0

Sample post no 0 excerpt.

Sample post title 1

Sample post no 1 excerpt.

Sample post title 2

Sample post no 2 excerpt.

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Sample post no 3 excerpt.

Sample post title 4

Sample post no 4 excerpt.
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– A word from our sponsors –

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